| 1. | Year or any part thereof of the validity period 年不足一年的零数亦作一年计而言 |
| 2. | For the remainder of its validity period 有效期尚未届满的旅游证费用为港币$ 165 。 |
| 3. | The original one - year validity period remains unchanged 原有一年有效期不变。 |
| 4. | Fees and validity periods of food business licences 饮食业牌照的收费及有效期 |
| 5. | What is the validity period of my renewed licence 我的新执照有效期是多久 |
| 6. | These dates set the boundaries of the validity period 这两个日期设置了有效期的界限。 |
| 7. | Validity period of driving instructor s licence 驾驶教师执照的有效期 |
| 8. | Specifies the start of the validity period 指定有效期的开始时间。 |
| 9. | Validity period can be extended upto 11 times , 30 days at a time 有效期可以延伸至11次,每次30天。 |
| 10. | Extension of tender validity period 延长投标书有效期 |